This End User License Agreement (EULA) is a binding legal agreement between you and ERSD. The purchase, installation or use of products byERSD provided on the ERSD website represents that you have fully read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms outlined below.
GPL Licensing
All Joomla Extensions, Modules and Plugins produced by ERSD are released under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later ( Specifically, the PHP code in ERSD products are distributed under the GPL license.
If not otherwise stated, all images, manuals, cascading style sheets (CSS), and including JavaScript files are NOT GPL, and is released under the ERSD Proprietary Use License (See below) unless specifically authorized byERSD. Elements of the extensions released under this proprietary license may not be redistributed or repackaged for use other than those allowed by the Terms of Service.
Proprietary Use License
The ERSD Proprietary Use License covers any images, cascading stylesheets, manuals and JavaScript files in any extensions produced and/or distributed by ERSD. These files are proprietary of ERSD, copyrighted and cannot be redistributed in any form without prior permission from ERSD
Usage Terms
The grant to use the products on more than one domain is allowed and there are no restrictions placed. However we provide support only for the domain(s) that you have pre-registered with us, for the length of your subscription that you have purchased.
When you post a support request through our online support system, it will track if you have an active license when you post a support request.
We do not restrict you from modifying the codes in our products.
Services Limitation
There is no limit on usage of our softwares granted under an active license subscription, however licensed domain(s) are required in order to obtain the following services outlined below:
- Product download access
- Technical support
- Automated updater
- Languages service
Modification Of Extensions Produced By Ersd
You are authorized to make any modification(s) to ERSD extension PHP code. However, if you change any PHP code and it breaks functionality, support may not be available to you.
In accordance with the ERSD Proprietary Use License, you may not release any proprietary files (modified or otherwise) under the GPL license. The terms of this license and the GPL v2 prohibit the removal of the copyright information from any file.